Ironing is one of the skills all Korean men learn while fulfilling their required military service. To do ironing you need both an ironing board and an iron. A clothes iron in Korean is 다리미 (darami) while there are two spellings for ironing board, sometimes by even the same company; 다람판 (다람板, darampan) and 다라미판 (다라미板, daramipan). Standard sizes are around 60~80 cm long x 40 cm wide x 15~20 cm tall. Some models come with a section to iron sleeves separately from the rest of the item. It is very difficult to find ironing boards a meter in length or longer.
Traditional ironing is called 인두 다리미. It involved a placing the clean dry clothing on a large flat stone (다듬이 돌) which would place the laundry at a higher level than the floor and was also cleaner than the floor. The woman or women of the home would then hit the laundry, frequently rhythmically, with two rounded pieces of wood (빨래 방망이, ppallae bangmangi).
While the rounded pieces of wood can still be purchased with difficulty, don’t expect to see this in person unless you visit a folk village or watch a historical drama. Traditional metal irons did exist in the past, but it is more difficult to find information on them as opposed to the stick + stone method. If you want to read more and see additional images, check out the related Wikipedia page.