2023-12-22 (FRI) Journal club (Cognition and Sociality)
Dr. Woojin Won will present the following paper
“Age-related dysregulation of homeostatic control in neuronal microcircuits”
Carola I. Radulescu, Nazanin Doostdar, Nawal Zabouri, Leire Melgosa-Ecenarro, Xingjian Wang, Sadra Sadeh, Pavlina Pavlidi, Joe Airey, Maksym Kopanitsa, Claudia Clopath & Samuel J. Barnes
Published in Nature Neuroscience
2023-12-22 (FRI) Journal Club (Molecular & Cellular)
Dong Yeop Kang will present the following paper
“Optogenetic engineering of STING signaling allows remote immunomodulation to enhance cancer immunotherapy"
Yaling Dou, Rui Chen, Siyao Liu, Yi-Tsang Lee, Ji Jing, Xiaoxuan Liu, Yuepeng Ke, Rui Wang, Yubin Zhou & Yun Huang
Published in Nature Communications
2023-12-22 (FRI) Journal Club (Systems & Behavior)
Dr. Min Gu Park will present the following paper
“Mesoaccumbal glutamate neurons drive reward via glutamate release but aversion via dopamine co-release"
Shelley M Warlow 1, Sarthak M Singhal 1, Nick G Hollon 2, Lauren Faget 1, Dina S Dowlat 1, Vivien Zell 1, Avery C Hunker 3, Larry S Zweifel 3, Thomas S Hnasko 4
Published in Neuron
2023-12-22 (FRI) Journal Club (Brain-inspired AI)
Dr. Jisub Bae will present the following paper
“Emerged human-like facial expression representation in a deep convolutional neural network"
Published in Science Advances
2023-12-22 (FRI) Journal Club (Brain development and aging)
Junhyung Kim will present the following paper
“Preclinical and dose-ranging assessment of hESCderived dopaminergic progenitors for a clinical trial on Parkinson’s disease"
Sanghyun Park, Chan Wook Park, Jang Hyeon Eom, ..., Myung Soo Cho, Dae-Sung Kim, Dong-Wook Kim
Published in Cell Stem Cell