2022-09-23 (FRI) Journal club (Cognition and Sociality)
Hyunji Kang will present the following paper
Mengtong Li, Hwei-Ee Tan, Zhengyuan Lu, Katherine S. Tsang, Ashley J. Chung & Charles S. Zuker
Published in Nature
2022-09-23 (FRI) Journal Club (Molecular & Cellular)
Woo Suk Roh will present the following paper
Hei Ming Lai, Yumi Tang, Zachary Y. H.
Lau, Robert A. A. Campbell, Juno C. N. Yau, Caleb C. Y. Chan, Danny C. W. Chan,
Tin Yan Wong, Harriet K. T. Wong, Leo Y. C. Yan, William K. K. Wu, Sunny H.
Wong, Ka-Wai Kwok, Yun-Kwok Wing, Henry H. N. Lam, Ho-Keung Ng, Thomas D.
Mrsic-Flogel, Vincent C. T. Mok, Jason Y. K. Chan & Ho Ko
Published in Nature Methods
2022-09-23 (FRI) Journal Club (Systems & Behavior)
Dr. Boyoung Lee will present the following paper
Anoj Ilanges, Rani Shiao, Jordan Shaked, Ji-Dung Luo, Xiaofei Yu & Jeffrey M. Friedman
Published in Nature
2022-09-23 (FRI) Journal Club (Brain-inspired AI)
Sunpil Kim will present the following paper
“YOLO9000: Better, Faster, Stronger "
Joseph Redmon, Ali Farhadi
2022-09-23 (FRI) Journal Club (Brain development and aging)
Dr. In Young Hwang will present the following paper
Iva Kelava, Ilaria Chiaradia, Laura Pellegrini, Alex T. Kalinka & Madeline A. Lancaster
in Nature