2022-07-25 (FRI) Journal club (Cognition and Sociality)
Dr. Hyoin Lee will present the following paper
“Sound induces analgesia through corticothalamic circuits”
Wenjie Zhou, Chonghuan Ye, Haitao Wang, Yu Mao, Weijia Zhang, An Liu, Chen-Ling Yang, Tianming Li, Lauren Hayashi, Wan Zhao, Lin Chen, Yuanyuan Liu, Wenjuan Tao, Zhi Zhangi
Published in Science
2022-07-25 (FRI) Journal Club (Molecular & Cellular)
Dr. Young Suk Seo will present the following paper
“Controlled activation of cortical astrocytes modulates neuropathic pain-like behaviour"
Ikuko Takeda, Kohei Yoshihara, Dennis L. Cheung, Tomoko Kobayashi, Masakazu Agetsuma, Makoto Tsuda, Kei Eto, Schuichi Koizumi, Hiroaki Wake, Andrew J. Moorhouse & Junichi Nabekura
Published in Nature communications
2022-07-25 (FRI) Journal Club (Systems & Behavior)
Dr. Minwoo Jang will present the following paper
“Sequential inhibitory plasticities in hippocampal area CA2 and social memory formation"
Maı¨the´ Loisy, Guillaume Bouisset, Se´ bastien Lopez, ..., Rebecca Ann Piskorowski, Laure Verret, Vivien Chevaleyre
Published in Neuron
2022-07-25 (FRI) Journal Club (Braininspired AI)
Dr. Yee Joon Kim will present the following paper
“A self-supervised domain-general learning framework for human ventral stream representation "
Talia Konkle & George A. Alvarez
in Nature communications