The attached file is for next journal club.
Yeonha Ju will present this paper.
Type I interferons and microbial metabolites of tryptophan modulate astrocyte activity and central nervous system inflammation via the aryl hydrocarbon receptor
Veit Rothhammer1, Ivan D Mascanfroni1, Lukas Bunse1, Maisa C Takenaka1, Jessica E Kenison1, Lior Mayo1, Chun-Cheih Chao1, Bonny Patel1, Raymond Yan1, Manon Blain2, Jorge I Alvarez3, Hania Kébir4, Niroshana Anandasabapathy5, Guillermo Izquierdo6, Steffen Jung7, Nikolaus Obholzer1,8, Nathalie Pochet1,8, Clary B Clish9, Marco Prinz10, Alexandre Prat4, Jack Antel2 & Francisco J Quintana1
published in Nature Medicine