2016 |
Development and Mass Production of a Mixture of LAB- and DIN-based Gadolinium-loaded Liquid Scintillator for the NEOS Short-baseline Neutrino Experiment B.R. Kim et al [Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry October 2016, Volume 310, Issue 1, pp 311–316, 311-316(2016)] AbstractBase organic solvent, Gadolinium (Gd), Liquid scintillator, LAB, DIN, Neutrino, Optical properties |
2016 |
Development of Metallic Magnetic Calorimeters with a Critical Temperature Switch S.R. Kim, et al [Journal of Low Temperature Physics July 2016, Volume 184, Issue 1–2, 356-362(2016)] AbstractMetallic magnetic calorimeter, Persistent current, Johnson noise |
2016 |
Development of Metallic Magnetic Calorimeters with a Critical Temperature Switch S.R. Kim, et al [Journal of Low Temperature Physics July 2016, Volume 184, Issue 1–2, 356-362(2016)] AbstractMetallic magnetic calorimeter, Persistent current Johnson noise |
2016 |
A Search for Dark Matter with NaI(Tl) Crystal of the KIMS-NaI K.W. Kim [Seoul National University (2016)] Abstract |
2016 |
Search for solar axions with CsI(Tl) crystal detectors Y.S. Yoon et. al. [Journal of High Energy Physics June 2016, 2016:11, 1-10(2016)] Abstract |
2016 |
Understanding internal backgrounds in NaI(Tl) crystals toward a 200 kg array for the KIMS-NaI experiment P. Adhikari et al. [The European Physical Journal C April 2016, 76-185(2016)] Abstract |
2016 |
Pulse Shape Discrimination of Nuclear Recoil and Electron Recoil Events With a NaI(Tl) Crystal for Dark Matter Search K.W. Kim et al [IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci Volume: 63, Issue: 2, April 2016, 534-538(2016)] AbstractCrystals, Detectors, Neutrons, Q-factor, Shape, Physics, Modulation |
2016 |
A Study of Radioactive Contamination of 40Ca100MoO4 Crystals for the AMoRE Experiment J.Y. Lee et al. [IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci Volume: 63, Issue: 2, April 2016, 543-547(2016)] AbstractCrystals, Physics, Detectors, Pollution measurement, Contamination, Neutrino sources, Molybdenum |