2016 |
Determination of the muon charge sign with the dipolar spectrometers of the OPERA experiment N. Agafonova;et al [Journal of Instrumentation (2016)] |
2016 |
An optimal energy estimator to reduce correlated noise for the EXO-200 light readout Davis, et al [JOURNAL OF INSTRUMENTATION (2016)] |
2016 |
Direct dark matter search by annual modulation in XMASS-I Abe K et al [PHYSICS LETTERS B (2016)] |
2016 |
Search for two-neutrino double electron capture on 124Xe with the XMASS-I detector Abea K et al [PHYSICS LETTERS B (2016)] |
2016 |
A measurement of the time profile of scintillation induced by low energy gamma-rays in liquid xenon with the XMASS-I detector Takiya H; et al [NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT (2016)] |
2016 |
Development of a HPGe shielding system for radioactivity measurements at Cheongpyeong Underground Radiation Laboratory Lim S.I; et al [JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY (2016)] |
2016 |
Searches for double beta decay of Xe-134 with EXO-200 Albert, et al [PHYSICAL REVIEW D (2016)] |
2016 |
Comparison of fast neutron rates for the NEOS experiment Y.J. Ko et al [Journal of the Korean Physical Society December 2016, Volume 69, Issue 11, pp 1651–1655, 1651-1655(2016)] AbstractFast neutron rate, Neutron background, Short baseline, Reactor antineutrino, Sterile neutrino |