Particle Measurement System with MPPC and Scintillator
1. Characteristics of MPPC
- Multi-Pixel Photon Counter
- Silicon photomultiplier (SiPM) products from HAMAMATSU
- High density pixel array (~ 102 pixel/mm2)
- Single-photon avalanche photodiode (Geiger mode)
- Fast rise time (~ ns)
- Compact size ( < 1cm2 per unit) and strong to magnetic field
=> Advantages over PMT
KoBRTypical response of MPPC (SiPM) pixels
2. Purpose of the project
- Multi-Pixel Photon Counter
- Developing compact array of scintillation detectors for energy and position measurement of charged particles in various nuclear physics experiments
- Developing fast timing measurement system for energetic charged particles
- Developing new type of scintillation detector system not feasible with PMT
3. Bench test results
- Multi-Pixel Photon Counter
- CsI(Tl), GaGG:Ce scintillator crystals with HAMAMATSU S13360-6050PE MPPC
- Higher gain and energy resolution are found with higher bias.
- Quadruple MPPC setting showed energy resolution, 8.4% at 662 keV
GAGG(Ce), CsI scintillation crystals and MPPC (left) and Bench test with radiation source (right)
Gain and resolution graphs for different bias with single and quadruple MPPC
4. Future applications
- Multi-Pixel Photon Counter
- Charged particle energy detectors for active target TPC (ex. TexAT_v2, AToM-X)
- Segmented plastic scintillator array for high resolution ToF detector
TexAT assembly design. CsI + MPPC are behind the silicon detectors (red arrow)
Schematic view of SiPM-plastic scintillator based ToF detector for test