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[Seminar]Ian THOMPSON Using experiments and theories for nuclear data evaluations Ian THOMPSON June 10(Thu) - June 10(Thu), 2021 10:00 KST Zoom |
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[Brown Bag Seminar]Qiang ZHAO (CENS) Covariant Density Functional Theory with Localized Exchange Terms Qiang ZHAO (CENS) May 26(Wed) - May 26(Wed), 2021 13:00 Room C312, IBS Center for Exotic Nuclear Studies |
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[Brown Bag Seminar]UHM Young Rang (KAERI) Mossbauer spectroscopy with radioactive nuclei UHM Young Rang (KAERI) May 12(Wed) - May 12(Wed), 2021 13:00 Room C312, IBS Center for Exotic Nuclear Studies |
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[Seminar]Pieter DOORNENBAL (RIKEN) Exploring exotic nuclei at the RIBF via in-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy Pieter DOORNENBAL (RIKEN) May 13(Thu) - May 13(Thu), 2021 13:00 Zoom |
46 |
[Seminar]Maria COLONNA (INFN-LNS) EOS signatures from heavy ion reactions Maria COLONNA (INFN-LNS) June 3(Thu) - June 3(Thu), 2021 17:00 KST Zoom |
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[Seminar]Carlos BERTULANI (Texas A&M Commerce) Indirect methods in nuclear astrophysics Carlos BERTULANI (Texas A&M Commerce) May 27(Thu) - May 27(Thu), 2021 10:00 KST Zoom |
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[Seminar]CHEOUN Myung-Ki (Soongsil Univ.) Neutrino process in core collapsing supernova CHEOUN Myung-Ki (Soongsil Univ.) May 20(Thu) - May 20(Thu), 2021 10:00 KST Zoom |
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[Seminar]Miguel MARQUES (CNRS/IN2P3) The experimental program on neutral nuclei (1963-2021) Miguel MARQUES (CNRS/IN2P3) May 6(Thu) - May 6(Thu), 2021 17:00 KST Zoom |
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[Brown Bag Seminar]PARK Tae-Sun (CENS) Nuclear many-body methods; a review PARK Tae-Sun (CENS) April 14(Wed) - April 14(Wed), 2021 13:00 Room C312, IBS Center for Exotic Nuclear Studies |
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[Seminar]MOON Chang-Bum (CENS) MOON Chang-Bum (CENS) March 26(Fri) - June 25(Fri), 2021 15:30-17:00 Room C312, IBS Center for Exotic Nuclear Studies |