Center for Relativistic Laser ScienceExplore the interaction between ultra-intense light and matter

All CoReLS members went to Mt.Gang-cheon(located in Sun-chang gun, Jeon-buk Province)

CoReLS held 6th SAC meeting during Oct. 21(Mon.) ~ 22(Tue).

All CoReLS members went to Mt.Byungpoong(located in Jang-sung gun, Jeon-nam Province)
+ morePublications
+ moreSpectral response of chirp-dependent femtosecond laser filamentation in a... Yun, Hyeok; Wosik Cho; Sung, Jae Hee; Jeong Moon Yang; Jun Hee Choi; Kovács, Katalin; Tosa, Valer; Kim, Hyung Taek Journal of the Korean Physical Society 83 20...
Linear Breit-Wheeler process driven by compact lase... Han, L.Q.; Cai, J.; Y. R. Shou; Liu, X.D.; Yu, J.Q.; Yan, X.Q. Physical Review E 108 20...
Relativistic calculation of nondipole effects in high-order harmonic generati... I. A. Ivanov; Kyung Taec Kim Physical Review A 108 20...
Proton acceleration beyond 100-MeV energy
May 26(Wed) - May 26(Wed), 2021 UQBF, 109
Dual-Readout Calorimeter R&D in Korea
May 17(Mon) - May 17(Mon), 2021 UQBF, 109
Temporal Characterization of a Laser Pulse in the Time Domain using Tunneling Ionization
February 5(Fri) - February 5(Fri), 2021 online