** Date: October 16 (Wed) 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm
** Place: B109
** Speaker: Dr. Matti Jansson (Sungkyunkwan University)
** TITLE : “On improving the sensitivity of IceCube to the highest energy neutrinos"
** Abstracts:
The IceCube Neutrino Observatory is looking for astrophysical neutrinos in one cubic kilometer of ice at the south pole by detecting the Cherekov light from charged particles created when neutrinos interact in the ice. In recent years IceCube has found evidence for neutrino emissions in the galactic plane and from NGC1068, but both these sources have a softer spectral index than the measured astrophysical flux. This means that these sources are not typical sources or it may be that there is a systematic error such that the contributions of the highest energy neutrinos are underestimated. Here work is presented searching for and possibly resolving such systematic.