
  • Information


    • ㆍ2008-2012 B.S. Applied Biochemistry. Konkuk University.   
    • ㆍ2012-2014 M.S. Applied Biochemistry. Konkuk University.   



    • ㆍ 2014-2018 Staff Scientist, Graduate School of Medical Science & Engineering, KAIST.   



    • ㆍ Ryu J-K, Kim SJ, Rah S-H, Kang JI, Jung HE, Lee D, Lee HK, Lee J-O, Park BS, Yoon T-Y*, Kim HM*. Reconstruction of LPS transfer cascade reveals structural determinants within LBP, CD14 and TLR4-MD2 for efficient LPS recognition and transfer. Immunity. 2017 Jan 17;46(1):38-50.



  • Information
  • Educations

    • ㆍ1996-2000 B.S. Deptartment of Microbiology, Hanman University.
    • ㆍ2006-2008 M.S. Deptartment of Pharmacy, Chungnam National University.



    • ㆍ 2018 Researcher,  Korea Research Institute of Bioscience & Biotechnology(KRIBB).



    • ㆍ Lee, S.R., Park, M.Y., Yang,H., Lee, G.S., An, B.S., Park, B.K.,  Jeung, E.B., Hong, E.J. 5α-dihydrotestosterone reduces renal Cyp24a1 expression via suppression of progesterone receptor. J. Mol. Endocrinol. 2018. Feb.
    • ㆍ Rho, C.R., Park, M.Y., Kang, S. Effects of Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony-Stimulating (GM-CSF) Factor on Corneal Epithelial Cells in Corneal Wound Healing Model. PLoS One. 2015. Sep 16.
    • ㆍ Bang, K., Jeong, J., Shin, J.H., Kang, J.H., Kim, C.N., Yeom, H.J., Yoon, M.O., Yang, J., Ahn, C., Hwang, J.I., Park, M.Y., Kim, J.H., Lee, K.W. Heme oxygenase-1 attenuates epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition of human peritoneal mesothelial cells. Clin. Exp. Nephrol. 2013 Apr.





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