On Aug. 4, 2020, K. Hahn and J. Park from CENS attended the RAON 8 (theory division) workshop at Soongsil University in Seoul.
The workshop featured 8 presenters and approximately 20 participants from various institutes, arguably the first large-scale meeting on low-energy nuclear physics with radioactive beams in 2020 since the COVID-19 outbreak. Live discussions on theoretical and experimental topics in nuclear structure and nuclear astrophysics took place. Below is a summary of the presenters and titles:
M.K. Cheoun (Soongsil U.): Low-energy nuclear physics and nuclear astrophysics
S. Choi (Seoul Nat. U.): Nuclei in the 3rd peak of the r-process
J.K. Ahn (Korea U.): Physics with active-target TPC
C.H. Hyun (Daegu U.): Skyrme model for nuclear physics
E. Ha (Soongsil U.): Tensor force in nuclear structure
K.S. Choi (Korea Aerospace U.): Halo nuclei in low-energy nuclear physics
K. Chae (Sungkyunkwan U.): KoBRA introduction
M.S. Kwag (IBS-RISP): 18Ne(d,p)19Ne reaction